Did Patsey or John Ramsey ever take a polygraph test?

You looked at my comment history? LOL

Act like a know-it-all? In all fairness to me, most people must appear that way from your perspective. You responded to me, to my original post. It made 2 main points. The first was I didn't know but I'm pretty sure the Ramsey's attorneys would have advised them not to take one (the Boulder Police offered polys, not some random client of Haddon's firm). That's true. I acknowledged that my comment was made in reference to LE conducted ones in my first reply to you however you've spent considerable time scouring the internet to find references to the fact that they did. You are really pedantic and small minded because if the Ramseys did take a non-LE poly, it wasn't useful at all, they were still hounded by investigators and to this day a great number of people believe that either both, their son or one of them is responsible. You literally have proven the lack of benefit of non-LE conducted polys.

But you still don't get it do you? Polygraphs are quackery. Not only are they quackery but they convict innocent victims. I know they don't work. It's the same as if you told me you had a machine that could read my mind. You could ask me all the questions in the world and I could lie to you with the full knowledge that you couldn't read my mind. My body's autonomic response or lack of response is dependent on whether I believe your machine can read my mind.

Similarly, polygraphs rely on the individual believing that the machine can tell when they are lying. People who believe in their efficacy will have autonomic responses such as heart rate increases or changes in whatever when they tell a lie. This is because they believe the machine can catch them out. Go back to my mind reading example, do you think my blood pressure would go up with your mind reading machine? Of course not. The polygraph test results are bullshit. That's why they are inadmissible in almost every court of law. They are also confounded by people's knowledge of the test itself, by people who have anxiety disorders and I suspect by socio or psychopaths probably because of their psyche. The internet is full of crime documentaries where a person has been convicted because of previous lie detector test results only in years to come be exonerated by DNA evidence. Even a cursory knowledge of how polys work and how their results have to be 'interpreted' by the examiner should be a warning sign to you. Well, maybe not you as we still have to establish if you have a 3 digit IQ.

But please continue to throw witches into rivers to see if they float or why not ask some psychics to provide testimony. Please continue to google and respond to me as you obviously have an 'interest' in me. I love looking at penises. Don't worry, no one here will think you've ever looked at a penis or vagina on the internet before. /s. Actually I love looking at penises, I love sex, one of the most wonderful experiences a person can have and share. I couldn't imagine a life without it. Tell me, how's your sex life? Don't bother, I'm not interested.

And this is seriously LOL, I have ZERO interest in even spending 1 second looking at your profile page. I have to work and then its the weekend for me. I'll respond tomorrow as I intend to spend an intimate romantic evening with my partner tonight. P.S. penises will be involved.

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