Did people even watch American Sniper?

This is clearly an American Movie, if you don't agree with it get out, regardless if you think the war was right or wrong, women and men went out to defend what they think we could lose, whether the president or congress told them, if they were extremely intellligent or smart or innovative we probally will never know their name, we will not know them but I'm sure someone in congress will pull a steve jobs , and claim it was there idea, there are fews souliders that actually thought they were right or maybe they were wrong, I saw loose change, fuck that fat prick, if he was a, G honestly fuck that dude for saying snipers are weak, I've spent hours becoming one of the best snipers on halo 2 michael moore is a fucking faggot, we would know the truth but we won't because no will tell the truth, michael moore is is a fat pussy that should never be touched like most of my girls at christiian school between all those girls being sexually abused it was hard to find a date never have proof but still we would real proof, wrong but they proctected me, and my freedom in whatever way, honestly I think we all know that there has been something up with that guy claiming he shot osama, he probally, did, but proballly not whatever coool, but i guess the main point is that a few soldiers have a hard time justifying what they did because there is weak people that they saw prostesting the war making them feel bad, for real tho forget those people, if they are holding signs saying gays are destroying ameirca, "Maybe"? is there prooof against that or not, I don't know I'm pro sexuality this is 2015 baby, I'm a huge fan of the women and that won't change I'm not sexist or homophobic, honestly, are these pro gay groups doing anything other than making people look down on it, always jumping in its not nesccazry fuck them honesly I'm tired of it, and I'm tired of seeing on xvideos a side banter of muslims girls give head, for real? I'm trying to see you lusciious locks maybe I'm a rare breed, I am indeeed the last of my people, on the real tho support the troops!and if you don't leave the USA! I had to become a citizen a decade ago, Its a shame what's going to happen it's not that hard to predict tho, if your in the usa and some one starts trying to dismantle the meaning of the flag or the people who fought make sure you leave them with the impresssion to never disrespect the red white and blue, fuck anyone who speaks down about U.S.A. we are the dream

/r/movies Thread