Did you really want to see Kofi as a champion?

Kofi deserves it and the fact that he deserves it has nothing to do with ghe color of his skin.

That said, his win and the timing of it has EVERYTHING to do with the color of his skin.

Considering the social justice climate and the fact that WWE is making the jump to Fox soon, they needed to solve the problem of having never had a black champion.

The publicity would have been fucking heinous if a mainstream audience got a hold of that. A newspaper might then be inclined to follow up on a perceived history of racism (and sexism) from WWE and Vince... and from there, chaos.

The WWE needed a ligit black champion by September at the latest. So it's Kofi, and it's now, and that does have something to do with his skin color.... unfortunately.

/r/SquaredCircle Thread Parent