Why did you REALLY reject the last five people you turned down?

  1. We went on a few dates and it was a “several small things adding up, not one big thing” situation: he was nice but I found him overly earnest. He also had a lot of serious confidence issues with his body and that I didn’t feel equipped to handle. And he was still undecided on a lot of big life stuff (whether to have kids or not, where to live) while I know what I want.

  2. I was interested in her but things progressed very quickly with someone else I met just a few days before her, so I didn’t ask her on a second date, and she didn’t reach out either. That other situation burned out after 2 months so in hindsight I wish I’d asked her out on a second date.

3 & 4: We wanted different things re: monogamy.

5: It was an okay date but we didn’t have a lot in common and struggled to make conversation.

/r/datingoverthirty Thread