Did we make the right decision taking away one of our child’s Christmas gifts?

Because today is Dec 17th, he is now waiting until Dec 25th to wonder what he’s not getting for Christmas anymore.

Christmas, birthdays and whatever else you may consider a major holiday are just that. 1 day a year that no matter what are going to come. If my kid has a torrential meltdown on Dec 24th he’s still going to be able to participate in making donuts on Christmas morning, watching a Christmas movie, etc. I’m not going to say “X, you’re not participating in Christmas or not gettin 2 gifts because you couldn’t contain yourself today.”

My personal response to his action would be a talk. I understand you were excited but you didn’t follow directions. Since you didn’t follow directions today we’re going to work on that. Today if I have to give you a directive more than once you are going to lose X privilege. Do you understand?

/r/Parenting Thread Parent