Did Russians ever go to North America, before Columbus? They're only a few miles from the Coast of North America.

Just curious. I read a book a while ago. It was a book that supposed that a certain mushroom amanita muscaria(and other mushrooms)were a hidden secret held by people throughout history.

It mentioned in this book Shamanistic Siberians I believe. The book claimed that Santa was based on these Shamanistic Siberians who herded reindeer, entered their houses through chimneys when snowfall got too high, and hung mushrooms(garlin) above the fireplace, or on a christmas tree. The Christmas tree(spruce or pine) also happens to be where these Mushrooms grow(because the tree provides the mushroom the needed shade). This is why "presents" are left under the tree, according to this book. Also, the "flying reindeer", and "rosy red cheeks" could be symbolic of the effects that ammanita muscaria has on reindeer in the wild when eaten(they get high, and go crazy), and the effects it has on humans(makes your face flush as Santa Claus). Also, these Siberian people were known to dress up in red and white suits(you can even look it up on wikipedia... they look just like Santa Suits) In the book, there were also other reasons given for the similarities between the Siberians Shamans, and the "Santa" story.

My question is this. Have you ever heard this? It seemed like a legitimate source. The guy later got arrested, then committed "suicide" in jail. Not saying it's true, as I've never been able to duplicate the research. Just wondering if you have peripherally heard of this story/theory, as you seem to be generally knowledgeable of the area.

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