Did I do something wrong

You chose a path and you can't see it through. How long have you had this job? What are you personal and financial goals? Do you still live with your parents? Your parents know that investing three years in a program and then wanting to quit your first job is troubling. If you quit your first job already it is natural fir them to be disappointed. Did you seriously not know there would be long hours at the job? Most construction jobs are busy seasonally rather than requiring 60 house a week year round. You e invested three years. First jobs are hard. Your parents want you to succeed. Do you want to succeed? What does success look like to you? Consider either 1) toughing out the job for a year to get experience or 2) toughing out the job until you find another job that is less demands. Just quitting when something is hard will not get you very far in life.

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