Did you watch President Trump’s address just now? What are your thoughts?

• You never denied drugs aren’t coming across the border and that’s because they are, but if I’m reading it right your argument is there is no spike so why should we care or even bother to try stopping them as the cartels will find another way around. To that I disagree and think border fences would not help lower drug consumption but would at least make it more difficult to get these drugs.

• Illegal border crossings are at an all time low doesn’t mean they will always be and not even a few border crossings should be tolerated. Deporting a lot of these illegal criminals are also damn near impossible if we can’t assure that they won’t come right back over. Bottom line is people come into this country too easily and it too often leads to violence and crime in our country.

• Your third point I can’t argue and actually agree with you to some extent, but I still do believe they can go without paychecks for a little while as to prevent Americans dying to illegals in the future.

• You compare this to gun rights and the second amendment and say one or two shootings doesn’t constitute everyone’s second amendment rights being taken away, and I agree with you there, but illegal immigration is not a right. These American deaths shouldn’t happen as these people shouldn’t be here.

• Finally thank you for not just down voting me but actually providing some talking points about this. I realize I probably didn’t and couldn’t change your mind as you couldn’t change mine but it is important that we and our nation have these discussions no matter how ugly they may get, since we kind of share this county.

/r/AskAnAmerican Thread Parent