Did your pwBPD also get "fired" by lots of professionals?

You have no idea. Her lifelong family doctor dumped her for literally showing up at his practice every week with some new problem everytime. One plastic surgeon dumped her before even performing on her because he realized how much of a perfectionist she is and that she might be trouble after surgery. The second plastic surgeon dumped her after surgery because she wanted multiple revisions and kept phoning his practice daily. Her orthodontist dumped her for insisting on fixing an apparent "gap" between two teeth that no one else could see - also for being rude to the secretary. Her second family doctor dumped her because she came in weekly trying to get more Percocet than she was willing to give, as a result of "chronic pain" from plastic surgery she had. A third plastic surgeon nearly dumped her until I intervened on her behalf and she ended up getting that surgery. The tattoo artist dumped her for being beyond a perfectionist. She wanted another tattoo from him and he refused. She couldn't even get past the secretary. And that's my ex and her relationship with doctors.

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