Did you and your spouse married your true love? Or did you settle for someone else, and why?

I will say, I just got married in October so I might have rose colored glasses, but I believe I found my soulmate. We met when we were 11 years old and as cheesy as it may sound I think we knew even then. I remember at 13 when we had been dating for about a year (middle school dating of course) someone told me I would love many more people after him and I was so confused that other people couldn’t see that he was my true love. We spent some time not talking and at 17 started to hang out and date. At 17 I knew I wanted to be with him forever, and even through our fights he was always the one for me. The best way for me to describe it is not that I wanted to know if we would be together forever, but rather how we’d make it work for forever.

I respect other people’s decisions, but I think it’s pretty clear when people close to you do settle. I think settling is not a bad thing and you should do what’s best for you but ensure you’re communicating openly with your partner.

/r/Marriage Thread