Didn't Blizzard say no hero should feel like a must pick? Yet Mercy has a >90% pickrate in every tier of comp.

He acted very sassy toward them, which as evident by his post history, he's very clearly salty toward Blizzard.

I agree with the cook analogy but this isn't a one-time experience. We all paid $60 (in my case $80) for an online game that is subject to changes. If anyone bought Overwatch expecting a flawless, bugless experience, I don't think they understand how these online games work. The cook doesn't come along and add new spice halfway through your meal because that's not how restaurants work. Buying an online game and having the developers make changes is exactly how online gaming works.

I think the changes within PTR need to be tested for far longer and truly ironed out before being added to the game. The only problem with that is that a lot of people are too casual to get on the PTR. There's no incentive to get on it and help with testing, so why would anyone go there besides out of curiosity? I haven't been on PTR since Orisa was first introduced. And that's a problem, because you need the entire community to test things out if you want proper data.

Personally I feel like Overwatch's place in eSports is fine and I don't see the problem, it's constant changes make it much more enjoyable to watch imo (but I understand I'm not the majority on that so having this conversation with me is a lost cause haha). Blizzard could stand to do a bit more marketing work on it though if I'm honest.

I appreciate the thoughtful response! You didn't come off as sarcastic, no worries :)

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