I didn't hodl today. I chickened out.

“I have to trust my instinct” - yes you do. After all that’s what got you into bitcoin in the first place!

Just let me give you piece of advice - perhaps you made a mistake, perhaps not, you’ll see soon enough. But if it turns out you did, don’t make a second one. Long time ago, I sold as well. I was a victim of the fake civil war here (bigblockers before BCH and Segwit2x) and thought maybe Bitcoin can’t be destroyed from outside, but it certainly can be destroyed from within. So after price went down, down and down, for days and days, I finally sold. Better to wait it out I thought... Well, the price jumped the very next day (it’s called a capitulation moment you see, and for a reason). It kinda turned out that there never was a civil war, because the other side are just a few wealthy assholes and few paid shills, thats it. But I didn’t want to admit I made a mistake. I’m way too smart for that! So I decided to wait - the price should plunge again and maybe I’d buy more of BTC for a lower price I thought. Alas, that wasn’t the case. After I finally bought again, I had LESS THAN A FUCKIN’ HALF of what I got before. It took a really long time before I could think about bitcoin with joy and without gritted teeth... And btw. it’s also the reason why so many of us (including the mods) are rather allergic to repeated questions about bigger blocks and swearwords like “roger” or “ver”. Cunt.

Second advice is - perhaps it goes even lower and you actually manage to buy for a lower price. Than frickin’ congratulations on that and don’t you dare to try to repeat it. I tried as well - you make few little gains and then a one big mistake to lose it all. So does everybody else - don’t be greedy.

And finally a third point - remeber my words after you make both abovementioned mistakes yourself. Because there’s literally no way in hell that you actully take my advice and I know it. Some lessons can never be taught, but you might be lucky enought to learn from your own mistakes after you make them. Good luck mate.

/r/Bitcoin Thread