Why dieting doesn’t have to suck! Full day: 1,132 calories.

I would like to know how did you come to the conclusion anyone here accused you of lying.

As I said before, I only estimated because I had no measurements and I wanted to try the recipe. I am sorry if my interest in your post bothered you in any way, but I feel I talked to you nicely so let's not cross the border.

I do not want to join any more drama as I feel you may like it.

  • You posted a pic flagged as recipe in a subredit that states as an inspiration for people
  • I thought it was a recipe
  • It had no actual measurements and I tried to find out for myself
  • I checked online and made some visual estimations
  • I posted here and I also mentioned In many edits that I received later the sources and ai admited my rough approximation was not the same as the exact one I tried to be polite overexplaining myself to you and everyone else

And all I got was * why would that be your business ? *

That shows a lot. Personally I don't want to join the 'drama train' again so I am done. I overdid the accepted drama amount for a day. If you want to reread and understand the situation, ok. If not, think as you would like.

/r/1200isplenty Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it