Difference between GUM and Infectious diseases training

Have experience with a GUM job

May vary from place to place but where I worked it was entirely outpatient/clinic based. The majority of the job is done by clinical nurse specialists ( urethral discharge, pelvic pain, vaginal discharge, herpes etc.) and tbh there wasn't much of a difference between the job that the docs and nurses did. The only exception to this would be HIV, although in this centre they only saw the patients with stable HIV/ those that hadn't had a complication - the minute they needed admission they were taken over by the ID team ( this was q controversial and the GUM team understandably didn't like this).

It's a really narrow specialty and honeslty I think ID would be more interesting. However, I'm sure other people may have different experiences. Sorry I know this perhaps wasn't the answer you were expecting but trying to give you an honest opinion :)

/r/JuniorDoctorsUK Thread