Different decade, same shit. (Men, we've *always* been out to steal your granary, regardless of deceptive bottom decoration)

Women (he probably specifically meant the vagina as he seems very fearful of vaginas) are disgusting and taint the water so don't use the bathwater after them.

Reading Hesiod is a lot like reading incel theory. He thought women should be married 5 years after their first period ("women should be allowed 4 years of ripeness and married in the 5th" - ripeness referring to menstruation indicating she's fertile now) and she must be a virgin upon marriage or she's useless and a bad woman. Men should also be 30 when marrying these exceptionally young virgins so that they can properly train them to be good wives. He saw women as far beneath men in every aspect including intelligence but was also terrified they'd overtake men with genius manipulation tactics.

All this looks identical to what the incels spout, doesn't it?

/r/badwomensanatomy Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it