Different situation - alternatives to E-Collar

Are you stimming the dog when they try to touch the staples? I'm not against the tool but they should not be used in this way.

Ecollars are ment to reinforce an already learned skill. Ecollars are also meant to be an increasing annoyance and not a sudden ZAP. Used correctly the ecollar is not painful but only annoying. Idk exactly how you are using it but this is not the way to go.

You also shouldn't leave an ecollar on the dog while you are not using it. There have been reports of ecollar malfunctions stimming at extremely high levels due to a controller malfunction. The better quality ones have a super small chance to do this but it still scares me thinking it could happen.

I suggest speaking to your vet about ways to prevent your dog to remove the staples. They would be way more experiences with that. All I can think of is using a cone but if you say an inflatable (assuming a donut-like cone) make not work then idk.

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