Difficulties even fully realising that your partner is that mentally ill...

ent replyDifficulties even fully realising that your partner is that mentally ill...

from sunnywiltshire via /r/BPDlovedones sent 11 minutes agoShow Parent You mean you broke up with your pwBPD just now? If so, that is incredible and you are on the way to a healthier life now, but I am sorry you had to go through this in the first place! Sending you positive energy and wishing you strength. ......................

no.. that is your post or else I copied wrong. no big deal. you had posted this 6 minutes ago and you are separated.. It's okay that there was this misunderstand... I don't reddit well but apparently i bpd well. according to hibernation is coping. thankfully he helped me understand my error. all the best.

/r/BPDlovedones Thread Parent