Ding Dong...

She made laws that massively depowered and assaulted unionizing (outright criminalization of some union work for example, also some more "passive" laws like abolishing the standard enlistment in unions in some companies) and generally took away a lot of rights from the working class.

She deregulated financial markets, giving more power to those who already have a lot of wealth.

Privatized many nationalized businesses (I'm not necessarily FOR nationalizing businesses, but she didn't abolish it with the same thoughts in mind. She did it to empower wealthy business owners and take away power from the democratically elected government)

Poll tax - Means that she tried to (and succeeded in many ways) to lessen the tax of wealthy people and rise it for poor people, ultimately trying to achieve an "absolute" tax where everyone pays the same amount without regarding income, wealth etc. this of course is another step that hits poor people straight in the face.

/r/GreenAndPleasant Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it