Dinner for a tired fiancé, doesn't just fiil the stomach but the eyes and the heart as well!

This is a really aromatic and remarkable recipe but I eyeball a lot while cooking so adjust everything to your taste! Takes quite some time to make but I promise it's worth it.

For the tofu;

Cut the tofu into different pieces and put just a little bit of salt on top. Pressed it for 10-15 mins. Then, prepared a marinade in a deep bowl with 1 glass of milk (can use plant based milk as well) + 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar + soy sauce, some chicken spice mix, ginger and honey to taste. Submerged the tofu into the marinade and waited for about 30 mins for the tofu to soak up. Then, chucked the bowl into the freezer and froze the whole thing for 3 hours. You can freeze longer but try not to go shorter since you want water pockets to form in tofu. Mixed 3 tablespoons of corn flour + 3 tablespoons of all purpose flour in a plate. Crushed some cornflakes (plain kind) and put them on another plate. The crushed cornflakes don't need to be homogenous, this way it's more crunchy. Cracked 4 eggs in a bowl. Took out the tofu pieces and let them thaw just enough to be handled easier. Dipped the pieces in flour mix, eggs and cornflakes in order. Deep fried each of them for 3-4 mins tops. Oil doesn't need to be too hot.

For the artichoke: Washed the whole artichokes thoroughly. Removed the outer layer of leaves. There are fuzzy bristles inside, at the very depth of the artichokes. I inserted my hand carefully between the leaves and pulled out the bristles. This is not a pleasant work to do but it's necessary. I also removed the sprouts and buds inside the leaves and on the outer layer the artichokes. Prepared a rice filling with 1 glass of rice + some spring onions and garlic + dill leaves. First, fried the rice just a little bit with tiny bit of olive oil, just enough for the rice to go transparent. Then stuffed the artichokes with the filling. Placed the artichokes in a deep pan and filled it halfway with water. Cooked the artichokes until the water was nearly gone, for about 30-40 minutes. Making the artichokes requires a bit of trial and error but it's worth it and since the leaves are edible, it makes for a dish that is unforgettable.

/r/vegetarian Thread Link - i.redd.it