By directly injecting engineered dying (necroptotic) cells into tumors, researchers have successfully triggered the immune system to attack cancerous cells at multiple sites within the body and reduce tumor growth, in mice.

Yes I understand that. But intelligence and higher comprehension of the way things work, no matter how extreme, isn't the same as self awareness. Just because animals can't comprehend or do the same things we've managed to accomplish doesn't mean we're more self aware. Intelligence ≠ self awareness.

It's my opinion that most animals, especially mammals, to varying degrees have complex internal realities just as vivid and real as our own. They know themselves, they know others whom they develop good and bad relationships with, and they develop feelings and conclusions about the world around them.

I think to say we are the most self aware species and no other species could come close is a rather arrogant thing for us to presume.

I appreciate where you're coming from, and I don't mean any of this as an attack. I just think it's important for that distinction to be made.

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