Director Sebastián Lelio: ‘The presence of porn is everywhere and making us numb’

Sure porn desensitizes you to sex. And that's exactly what we need.

For the past 40 years, modern feminism and pop culture has brainwashed men into thinking that a relationship should consist of a man tying himself into a pretzel to get what he wants (which, in the end, is sex.) But it's also managed to make him ashamed of admitting that sex is what he really wants. So he must be her best friend, agree with her politics, her choices, her wishes, overlook her failings, all to pretend that he is interested in ANYTHING but putting his male organ into her vagina.

To think that his wants and needs and happiness matter in a relationship - to merely want MUTUALITY - makes him a disgusting, selfish misogynist. (Of course, the woman gets bored with his pussy worship eventually and leaves no matter what lies she tells you, but that's an entirely different rant.)

So good. Let young men learn early on that naked women are nothing special, that sex isn't anything worth centering your life around someone else for. Then maybe they can center their lives on their own futures and happiness again.

Call me whatever names and insults you want, the point still stands.

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