This dirty truck

LOL at you claiming anything when this was already a massive repost when you posted it too, asshole.

Size | Title | Age | Karma | Comnts | Subreddit


-48% | [Creative]( | 1^yr | 49 | 7 | pics

= | [The dust painting on this dirty truck...]( | 4^mo | 201 | 10 | pics

= | [The dust painting on this dirty truck...]( | 4^mo | 18156 | 146 | oddlysatisfying

-43% | [dirty truck art]( | 1^yr | 8449 | 63 | pics

= | [Alligator etched into dirty truck by illustrator Nikita Golubev.]( | 2^yr | 35 | 2 | pics

[*View* ***5*** *more times this has been posted on KarmaDecay*](

Also who the fuck made you guardian of the emojis? Did I miss them getting banned on reddit or something?

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