Disable a possibility to watch for player profiles in a match entirely.

If are truely like that, then I am happy that you are that killer.

In my personal experience (and the one from that stream) I saw a killer who was checking for profiles and following the guy with the lower hours played on purpose (he even confirmed such fact). And then such behaviour from his side made me to think about this whole "profile checking" feature on a global scale.

I agree that a killer should be a surprise for survivors and that he should know his prey but when such killers start abusing such system (because hey, a killer has 1k hours, full perks and addons, then he looks into X player profile hmm he is private probably good, then Y player profile 500 hours probably good full perks I see, then Z player profile 30 hours, good, I follow him because he is of lesser threat since he has less perks/game experience so it's unlikely he can outrun me). And tunneling a person like that with that mind is actually a reason because a killer should kill every survivor on equal rights.

Hope you understand what I mean overall.

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