Disappearing act

Hi, I’d like to share some insight from an INFJ female’s point of view, if you do not mind.

For an INTJ male to introduce you to his parents, I would think he had some interest. Some possibilities: (i) he needs some time to himself, after something “monumental” and/or emotional (to him), or (ii) his parents may have made some observations. I do think it may have been the former.

My INTJ used to converse with me over text on a near-daily basis. He would even apologise when he responded a day later. However; as we got to know each other better, I accepted that his “silences” were just him taking time out for himself, be it at home or a respite from work. I have an INFP close female friend who shared with me that these periods of silence are her being on “hermit” mode.

I hope this helps.

/r/intj Thread Parent