
Don’t give up. I’ve been going through a similar situation since I got off of my IUD last August and it’s been a hell of a ride and just a lot of disappointment and frustration but I’ve really been trying to see the brighter side of things.

I recently just got an SIS and whereas my tubes weren’t blocked I did have a uterine polyp that was recommended to be removed before trying so it can increase my chances of implantation.

I was feeling incredibly discouraged because I wanted to start trying this month with using the Letrozole but I decided surgery and starting fresh in January will be best. It sucks but don’t give up, not yet. My ultrasound tech said she went through 5 years of everything we just did before she turned to IVF and now she has two beautiful babies.

It’s hard and frustrating and the road is long but you can do it! Don’t give up hope!

/r/TryingForABaby Thread