Disappointed by the lack of attention my fic has gotten; conflicted on whether or not to continue, or turn it into an original novel.

It's probably not your story but your 'audience'. If it took you three years to write, how has the original media it was based on changed? If it is a show, there might be fewer people interested in reading fanfiction. Especially if the show is canceled or it's older than a few years. I've also found with TV shows if you post when there is 'hype' surrounding a new season or a finale, interest in fic spike.

Same with books and movies– there older it is the less interest there is. There are exceptions for large fandoms for Harry Potter or LotR, but they also have such a large abundance of fics it is overwhelming for many readers to sort through.

It could also be how quickly you posted chapters. If it took you three years to write then be patient and release chapters weeks apart next time to help build up interest and investment. Especially for such a large fic.

Also, all artists fear one day they will run out of creativity. I guarantee you that doesn't happen. Your creativity is not a well that dries up if you use all your good ideas in one story; it's a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets. You have to hone your craft through practice, and fanfiction is essentially that. I think you should be proud of your story because it was a major accomplishment you clearly poured your heart into to commit to this level. h sharing.

Also, all artists fear one day they will run out of creativity. I guarantee you that doesn't happen. Your creativity is not a well that dries up if you use all your good ideas in one story; it's a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets. You have to hone your craft through practice, and fanfiction is essentially that. I think you should be proud of your story, because it was a major accomplishment you clearly poured your heart into to commit to this level.

Just think of all the artists and authors who didn't become famous until years after their creations. Sometimes centuries. Sometimes the public just doesn't recognize talent/passion immediately.

/r/FanFiction Thread