[DISC] That Girl Who is Always Alone - Ch 6.5 | by @kank06020602

I've had a lot of those, but they're not that fun and I have to admit I regret them a bit more. Usually it's an excuse like I'm traveling away soon and don't want a long range relationship, there's too much studying/work now for a relationship, I'm just not ready for a relationship right now emotionally, we're just not at the same place in life/you're too young for me and going on and going on. Later on when they're together with someone else and start having kids you're really regretting it, what could've been. One of the main reasons I deleted facebook and other social media was because some of these regrets became a bit too much to handle, and it just hurt a bit too much getting them in my newsfeed. Though it was my fault that it never was me and them, can't really blame it on someone else :3

Sorry for blogging.

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