[DISC] helck :: Chapter 80.1

I can't help but see a parallel to another manga. Most recent Magi chapters spoilers

Change can be considered a form of death. In our world, change is slow and arguably more driven by age than real human effort. When change is fast, it comes with death or transformation beyond recognition.

Such narratives make me feel bittersweet about our real world having no noticeable magic or supernatural forces that can enact great changes within our lifetimes. If such a force existed, other forces would exist that can undo their changes just as whimsically. So past thoughts and modern wishes of superpowers to change the world seem laughable now.

Would you really want to introduce just power to the world?

Helck and Magi have strongly become among my favorites. If this keeps up, I don't know if Hunter X Hunter will stay my #1 much longer. Togashi please.

/r/manga Thread Link - reader.kireicake.com