Disc Priest Question from someone who came from a very long break...

Ok I got you. It's going to be really hard to play at first especially when you start running mythic you'll wipe a lot. But once you hit 840 ilvl you'll be strong and everything will be super easy. You got to learn to anticipate the damage your group will take. So if you know they're going to take bug aoe dmg spread atonement to all of them when the damage hits you start dpsing. At first healing through atonement isn't good at all rather mediocre but eventually it gets better when you start actually dealing decent damage to mobs and have a good amount of haste/crit. Don't be afraid to shadow mend it's your only single target heal besides plea as it's really fking strong. For the talents you should get the one in the middle for the lvl 100 I forgot what it's called but it increase direct healing on targets with atonement by 30% that talent is game changing you really need it. Power word shield on cool down so everytime it's up apply it to your tank. Always try to get the most haste cause it lowers the cool down on it as well. Mind bender also heals the targets with atonement on so if the groups taking big damage apply atonement to all of them and cast mind bender with dot and that's a good hots on everyone plus the healing from penance and smite. Just be careful with spamming power word radiance and shadow mend it'll burn through your mana. In raid though it's a completely different approach you want to maintain atonement on 3-4 targets and just keep dpsing you let the other healers try to top everyone one off. Discs atonement re good when it comes to aoe healing cause if atonement is well maintained you can be healing them for a decent amount. Still cast power word shield in the main tank whenever it's up and always cast mind bender when it's up cause we have mana problems. Hit 90% mana ish and cast it avoid spamming too much though if everyone is full ho there's no shame with just sitting around not doing anything I case you'll need the mana later. If you need more info about disc just ask here as a reply. Disc might be a struggle at first, we might be the lowest ranked in terms of healing but it's hella fun and if your good at it you can even beat resto druids and shamans

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