[DISC] The Promised Neverland :: Chapter 108 :: Jaimini's Box

This manga went to shit after the demons suprise attack at Goldy pond (chapter 75).

Since then we’ve suffered from character bloat (there’s way too many underdeveloped kids), rushed pacing (the kids travel back to Goldy Pond skipped, this final arc rushed), missed potential with world building e.g. the search for Khadavilla, the 7 walls, exploring the demon cities.

When ppl say the travelling arcs would have been boring, they’re pretty much admitting the writer is incapable of keeping it interesting. We could have had a couple of chapters spent on the kids exploring with a few pages of them killing demons, while taking the time to actually develop these kids. For example, why did the writer bring Don, Guilda (who both were out of the story for a while), Violet and Robert along in the search for Khadavilla if his intentions was to do nothing with them?!

Ppl have mentioned Andrew possibly surviving because his character had potential to die right now and antonginsts surviving these type of a predicament so the sacrifice becomes in vain is a common troupe (TPN has been following a lot of these troupes for a while now).

However, one of my biggest gripes is I don’t care for most of these kids. The only ones worth a damn are Emma, Ray, Norman, Don, Guilda, Violet, Oliver (and Phil I guess).

I’m not given a reason to care for the majority of these characters if they survive because they’re so one dimensional and unexplored. These kids aren’t real characters, they’re just plot devices used to progress the story. They are important to Emma, not the reader

/r/manga Thread Parent Link - jaiminisbox.com