Do you discuss your "doubts"?

Well I mean, you get a choice; you choose whether to accept his critical behaviour (don’t do that) or you choose to want better for yourself and leave. You can’t change people.

And if I was dating a dude who was rude to waitstaff (for example), I could tell him it bothered me, and was giving me doubts, and he could then be on his best behaviour around me and always be nice, but at the end of the days he’d still be the kind of guy who was rude to waitstaff, and eventually the facade would slip (just like your guy being overly critical of you) and maybe by then it would be too late to reassess because of feelings, or marriage or whatever.

Obviously if you’ve been together a long time you deserve a conversation but if it’s new you’re still in ‘screening’ stage. How long had it been?

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