Discussing critical race theory on r/Conservative

I mean you're being pedantic and playing word games there, so that's not an argument you should be making and not one I'm going to engage with.

Beyond that, you're talking in a very arrogant tone in order to condem people you think are lesser just because they disagree with you, which is the exact criticism often levied against the people you're showing prejudice against. So the lack of self awareness is clear in how you're being a hypocrite, and you're far from alone.

And sure, you can go point to the two most obnoxious examples to prove your point, which again is a waste of both our time - like come on man, that's not an argument worth making or engaging with and surely you're smart enough to realise that? There are plenty of prominent public speakers who aren't right wing grifters who have taken time to point out issues with American democrats obnoxious and self obsessed ways of thinking that has led to flawed ideas like CRT. Sam Harris for example, classic liberal. Bret Weinstein, classic liberal. Coleman Hughes, especially hates CRT and is African American, classic liberal.

John Stewart exposed this discussing obnoxious 'Liberal' mindset on Colbert and made him look like a total fool. Why? Because Stewart is a classic liberal, and Colbert is a 'Hollywood Liberal' with a capital L - he's a mouth piece for billionaire elites ideas of cultural hegemony.

Be better, you're more than capable.

/r/SelfAwarewolves Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it