Discussing post-buff Pogo Rogue

Can anyone theory craft a mech deathrattle rogue for me? 2x Galvaniser + Shadowstep or Spirit of Shark reduce Snip Snap to 0 Spirit of the Shark and Pogo Hopper works well

Deathrattle package just cause. Blightnozzle Crawler and Mechanical Whelp are deathrattle mechs that used to be in old drattle rogue. Also draw - loot horder thalnos necrium blade (no vial because not worth in this deck imo also prep nerf :( )

Deranged Doctor is a drattle heal 8 but think it costs too much esp with no silver vanguard or cube i think lifedrinker + shark/shadowstep better. Also zileax.

No more Silver Vanguard, Lich King, Charged Devilsaur, Cube, hopefully pogo hopper can fulfill that "big" minion spot

I think Bronze Gatekeeper and Wargear are great stand alone mech cards

Maybe shuffle package with Taz? Because waiting to draw the hopper r bad but Taz is instant have multiple pogo in hand. So Taz + Pogo + Scheme is a T9 (or T8 with galvaniser) that hopefully sets up big pogo turn next turn.

Please tell me thoughts esp if theres too many packages i tend to do that alot which greatly negatively affects hands.

Is two combos too much? Maybe discount Snipsnap + Coppertail + Saps/Silence r the way to go. (Rip Reckless Experimenter)

Two combos so far: (Both two turn set ups) 1x Pogo 1x Scheme 1x Taz (2x shadowstep and 1x spirit of shark for earlier turns with pogo)

2x Shadowstep 2x Galvaniser 1x Spirit of Shark 1x Coppertail 2x Sap

Any thoughts on what rest of deck should be?

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