[DISCUSSION] I Am A Conservative Who Opposes Modern Liberalism But Thinks That Trumpism Has Politically and Morally Damaged The Republican Party

For the first time in modern history the USA elected a non-politician President. We've had a lot of whack jobs run - remember Ross Perot? They all got laughed out of the nomination process.

True politicians love to answer questions with a non-answer, or by dodging around the issues. Not Trump - he puts it out there in all it's gory detail; sometimes to his detriment. And it's one of the things I love about him - he's not a politician, he's a business man. We shouldn't get upset when he speaks his mind and blurts out something disparaging or negative - he's just being himself. A tiger can't change it's stripes.

I vote Republican because I want fewer government regulations and lower taxes. When government gets out of the way and allows businesses to thrive, they hire more workers, which means more people pay taxes - and tax revenue increases. This leads to more money in the coffers, which is what the government really needs.

Democrats believe in lots of red tape and regulations and a higher tax rate for businesses. This actually decreases tax revenue in my opinion.

All the "social" issues, I don't give a rat's ass about. I care about paying my mortgage and keeping my kids in college. Period.

In Trump's 2 years he's de-regulated industry like no other President before him. His economic policies have kicked our country into high gear. There's a video on You Tube were an independent economist tracked benchmarks like GDP, job growth, business outlook - and in every case within months of Trump being elected the bar graph went from declining during Obama's reign to straight up growth under Trump. The proof is in the numbers.

People can whine all they want about how Trump sticks his foot in his mouth on a weekly basis, but I don't give a shit. He's fixing our country - and I for one can't wait to vote for him again in 2020.

/r/moderatepolitics Thread