[discussion] Am I incorrect to think that MOST dogs spend 8-9 hours alone everyday?

Dogs are social animals and they want to be with people. That said, I see many people who think that they have to DO shit with their dog when they're hanging out. But dogs need to sleep like 16-18 hours a day. So is it a little sad that a dog is alone all day? sure. Does that mean he doesnt do enough stuff? not necessarily. I like that dogs can remind us just to be, and that sometimes coexisting can be super enjoyable, even if you don't do anything. Some dog owners seem to think their dog needs to be entertained a lot though, when they often just want to hang out and chill. You do see some hyperness in pups due to overstimulation or overfeeding, but a bit of hyperness can be normal and some breeds are more inclined to being hyper than others.

Really it all comes down to the temperament of your dog, and the life you can make for/with him/her. As long as you can get their needs met, and can love him/her to boot, it's all good. However, I've definitely known some situations where maybe there's a lot of love but it wasn't possible (or just extremely difficult) to balance the dogs needs against the humans needs. But that's specific dogs with specific needs in specific situations, not all dogs at all times. That said, the dogs I've seen who get to hang out with their human all day are usually super chill and happy, so it's definitely possible that a dog would prefer that, but I don't think it's realistic for the majority of dog lovers to have that kind of life style.

To be fair to the training police though, housetraining with puppy pads is often harder and takes longer than if you have the time to take them out every hour. But as long as the dog doesn't sit in his/her own filth, and you don't schol him/her for peeing in the wrong place, I'm sure it'll be fine.

/r/dogs Thread