[Discussion] is anyone getting really pissed off at the amount of apps that have jailbreak detection?

$1,000,000 to spend on a Mac


$13,427 is priciest Mac - iMac Pro customised to maximum.

$799 is cheapest Mac - Mac Mini (ok, without keyboard, mouse or monitor).

There is also Hackintosh option and VM option.

rootless jb have two versions - one that does require dev account and one that does not.

Mac with a single USB-C port as it’s only output.

It's Thunderbolt 3, superior port to others, because no matter protocol you are using you need one cable for anything.

People who use it professionally already have benefiting from it, regular users will in future (or higher for regular users price).

This kind of solution is my dream (since +/- Amiga Commodore 500+ times) comes true.

So please tell me what's wrong with Thunderbolt 3?

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