[Discussion] Is the APU a dead concept in the performance space?

The concept isn't dead, far from it. But what the consumer wants and what they release doesn't match.

From what I've seen there are 4 different demands: An entry-level that handles everything a web browser could throw at you. An all-purpose that can handle casual/not so demanding games. A lightweight gaming machine. Then the NUC mini machine/NAS market.

AMD's current entry level APU doesn't hold up to what the entry users seek for. A6-6310 was the first chip that could satisfy this consumer grade, but the price was just too damn high.

Then there is the mid range all purpose market, AMD tells them that their 2 core/256 GCN is for them. But the performance level doesn't match the demands, the 4c/384GCN models were in a different price league.

Then there is the mobile gamers, they don't want much power but enough to run their desired competitive games and maybe some AAA titles on low settings. They don't want disk drive or unnecessary components adding weight or drawing power. But AMD has the brilliant idea of putting a discrete GPU into every single high-end model, but doesn't fix the dual graphics compatibility or scaling. Which causes this market to go for Intel i3 + low end Nvidia at the same price range.

Then there is the NAS/NUC market that AMD disappoints hard. Doesn't push out any small factor PC's except some over priced and hard to get Zotac/Sapphire NUCs. And their NAS solution only had 2 supported sata ports and an outdated APU since release.

/r/APUsilicon Thread