[Discussion] Arrow What If's

Season 3.5:

Oliver Queen is dead.

Opening monologue: ''My name WAS Oliver Queen.....''

Maseo tracks Oliver down. Drags his body to a different Lazerus Pit somewhere deep in the mountains. Oliver is back. But he's going crazy. Maseo chains him down and we get a mini arc where Maseo tries to fix Oliver like a wounded dog.

The story also wouldn't revolve about Ra's al Ghul being a jealous girlfriend dressing up as Oliver.

I'd rather have Oliver stay away from Ra's al Ghul from this moment and that season 3.5 will have a different villain... A season with 3 arcs. First arc was about Ra's. the second mini arc is about Oliver getting his senses back and Team Arrow surviving without Oliver. The last arc is about the new villain that already planted it's seed at the beginning of the season. Someone that had a connection to Ra's: Damian Darhk without powers. Not Hive. Just Darhk.

Have season 4 be about HIVE as a group. A huge organisation with lots of people at it's head. They all are intimidating business people from all around the place. Season 4 should be a throwback to the list. It has to be revealed that the list contains a secret and Oliver has to figure it all out. The mystery of the first half of the season is about the list and discovering what it means featuring the hive organisation.

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