[Discussion] It's cool you want to RP and experience the game in that way - but don't let it be the reason people leave the game.

Not to take sides in this or anything, but its not their world and its not your world either, its a world that both of you are sharing, a world that is up for the taking.

That's exactly my point? The player wasn't even walking in their claim and he was killed because he didn't respond fast enough to what he was doing. The point is if they want to control half the server area they'll be fighting smaller guilds and pushing them out and possibly those people won't continue playing.

Imagine spending days setting up base and then someone decided they now want your area for no good reason other than "rping and claiming land". That's just silly...

And yes Tibia was the first MMO i played. Tibia had 50k online during it's peak hours... LiF has 900.

/r/LifeIsFeudal Thread Parent