[Discussion] Double standards

You probably have another 8 years before the baby rabbies sets in, especially given your location.

Hopefully never, but I'd rather you not make assumptions about that.

And the men you date do impress you. That's why you're dating them. Are you socially retarded or something? Of course no one's going to flat-out say "I'm going to impress you now." You claim you're attracted to them because they're more confident and have their own apartments (in NYC). They do those things because they know women are impressed by that.

I might be "socially retarded" but dear god, you are not very polite.

When I say impress I mean "wine and dine." Usually we don't do anything I can't afford. I hope more men are confident because they are, not faking it to impress me. Apartments are logistical and I've worked around those if needed, too. Most of my dates aren't anything I wouldn't do on my own time.

No shit, they don't date you seriously. Men would rather have the option to date around. They can date you, a 20 year old, who's having fun and discovering herself and other inane bullshit, who's going to bounce out of the door once the fling concludes or they can date a 28-35 year old who'll be asking what are we doing, where's this heading by date 3. By the time you're 8-10 years older, the men your age and older will be dating 18-25 year olds who are just having fun, no commitment necessary while you're lamenting why you can't get a boyfriend, don't they know you have a career.

. . . . uhhuh. Just so you know, I was addressing your own comment on men not wanting to date me five years from now. My point was that I have no idea why they aim as young as 20 if they are non-committal anyway -- if they don't want to commit, theoretically age doesn't matter, and women who have more of their shit together at 23-26 are just as appealing and low pressure. Chances are they won't even date any single person long enough for her to get the nerve to ask about "what this means." I understand youth, but unless you have a kink, I have no idea why 20 year olds are as preferential as a 23-26 year old.

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