[Discussion] [Drama] It is confirmed that Alison Rapp, former Public Relations Representative for Nintendo of America was moonlighting as an Escort

I see your tinmetal hat and raise yours three years. This is my alt account.

To be frank (Is that TBF now?) I was in the original deleted threads, and browsed the UNMENTIONABLE zealander animal husbandry thread, and clicked the links (Bring the downvotes? I guess? I dunno, KiA has it's own narrative to follow and I really can't tell if this is, or isn't, against it); And I'm vaguely aware I might get downvotes for noting a narrative here in KiA (My own shiny skullcap).

I actually unsubbed KiA when the threads were being deleted because I felt that even if the truth was nasty, ugly, and painful [GG/KiA the obvious patsy] it should still rear it's head. Yes, a few were a little reaching (Yes I have a tab open for the NZ farming community and they are chuckling like I am about KiA not wanting to break this on reddit... but really, is there somewhere else this might actually reach enough [read as some] people? No other media other than interpersonal would spread this... until you know the gimme bux links start showing up) in both directions with the listen and believe vs trust but verify...

I've resubbed since the story has apparently been approved per rules, but that in it self raises some weird questions in my alcohol addled brain... Trust but verify, but only verify per our rules.

The truth will out either way, and it will be interesting to see how it's slurped up; As well I am drunk off my ass, and this has been the most interesting thread here. So there, I've given myself an excuse for anything I've said in this post.

Sure as fuck glad I only play games I enjoy/look interesting rather than based on the opinions of others. Woo, self agency can sure be tough.

/r/KotakuInAction Thread Parent