Discussion: How do we define Pan-Asianism?

Let's go through your comments, shall we :)

Those are some nice euphemisms but what exactly does "taking ownership" and "defining 'Asia' for ourselves" entail? If it means ethnic self-compartmentalizing, then that is the exact opposite of pan-Asianism. Looks like you're the one who missed the point.


asking a question about some basic terminology, followed by straw man argument.I admit, those exact phrases aren't used in the book, the book is a little more academic. btw, the part of the book that answers your question is in Section 3 "Orientalism Now", Ch. IV "The Latest Phase" starts at the paragraph that begins with this sentence

The extraordinary thing is that these notions persist without significant challenge in the academic and governmental study of the modern Near Orient.

Now that I've shown you exactly where to go, will you read it now?

You're the one who evidently hasn't read it, judging from your suspicious desire to split Mongoloid peoples up even though they share the same genes. You're playing right into the white man's hands, good job buddy.


From what I can tell, this is where you judged that I didn't read the book. Even though I never promoted splitting up Asians.

Lol, you are completely lost in this conversation. You told me I missed someone else's point, and then you proceeded to completely miss my points. Once again, take your own advice and take a look at those those books you recommended (which you clearly haven't read yourself) before you come at others.


not a claim, just deflecting & insulting me

Now you're just projecting your insecurities onto me, haha. Just face it, you thought you could condescend to others and act like you were superior behind your keyboard, and you got a little more bite than you were expecting. Sorry kiddo, but the real world is different from the internet. Go outside, stop fronting online, and go read a book. :)


not a claim, more deflection & insults. doubling down as ego defense mechanism. unfortunately, "alpha" tactics don't work on internet arguments.

Is that all you got left? haha


don't even need to say anything here

I'm glad I got to you so deeply that you had to tag me in an unrelated thread because you're still thinking about me. Interesting how you claim to have read all these books, yet you're unable to demonstrate mastery of their content or even awareness of their major concepts in any of your posts. You have so much knowledge! You have all those books in your garage! Yet you can't articulate a god damn thing about them. Lmao.


Haha looks like you totally caught one of my personality flaws! I'm totally petty lol. But, no claims here, only deflection & insults.

Ahh, I love it when pseudo-intellectuals like you get called out on your bullshit, and then you have to resort to the "well you wouldn't understand anyway" excuse. Just admit that you didn't actually read the books, little guy. It's okay to admit when you've lied. :)


not a claim, more deflection & insults

It's hilarious being accused of not reading a book by someone who clearly hasn't read the book themselves. You are unintentionally a comedy goldmine for me. Keep dancing.


In this comment we have, oh wait nope. not a claim, more deflection & insults.

Annnddd once again you nervously try to change the subject in order to avoid proving that you actually read the books you claim to have read. The only one displaying stupidity here is you.


lol... do I really need to say it again? not a claim, just more deflection & insults

You didn't actually read the book, but you're still trying to put up this act as if you did. You are too funny. Let me know when you're done dancing for my amusement.


lol you'd think you would've just picked up the book and start reading at this point. but nope, more deflection & insults with no claims in sight. man I wonder where these "multiple claims" could be.

You're the only dumbass here, and you still don't even realize it. Lmao. You think you're introducing new concepts but you're just repeating things that everyone here already knows. So insecure, so assured of intelligence that isn't there -- that's all you are.


not a claim, more deflection & insults

I see you're getting anxious now because you're trying to get me to stop responding. Haha, is this too much for you to handle? I exposed you for being an idiot that doesn't even understand the books he accuses others of not reading, and now you're so embarrassed that you're trying to end the conversation. I can see your insecurity showing loud and clear. I love it. :)


for someone with no insecurity, there sure is a lot of deflection & insults LOL and no citations :)

Hahaha now you're overcompensating because I called you out for trying to run away from the conversation. You're really intimidating me with your video game lingo. All you've done is once again demonstrate that you haven't actually read Orientalism and you're just flailing around, desperately trying to save face. Sorry, but you still look like a complete idiot.


still no claims but just more deflection and insults

It was never fun for you to begin with, because you were noticeably anxious and upset the whole time. Haha. Not my fault that you didn't read the book and failed to understand basic arguments. But you kept trucking on like the little train that could, all to save face. Good on you kiddo, lol.


having so little fun right now LOL. more deflection and insults with no claims.

Your attempt at sarcasm doesn't change the fact that you tried to squirm out of this conversation. You showed your cards and exposed your real emotions, lol. I have forward multiple claims, all of which you have avoided addressing in favor of baselessly insulting me. At least my insults towards you have a basis. :)

ah! your first claim! let's see here:

I have forward multiple claims

wait a minute....

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