[Discussion] Made a survey to see how people are feeling about the 1.1.2 update and HoW reveal

I was thinking about something as I went to bed last night. Now I don't know what exactly will come in Prison of Elders or Trials of Osiris, but I haven't heard anything close to what I'm about to describe.

Here it goes:

So, exotics are cool and they got sweet perks, but you can only equip one at a time. Now, while in some cases this can make a huge difference, such as Ice Breaker, in most cases, there is a non-exotic that is somewhat close and it really doesn't matter whether you equip that exotic or the legendary that is slightly less powerful... particularly in PvP. So... i got to thinking... what if there was a Crucible event that took all of our exotic perks and amplified them! I'll list out what I think should happen and easy ways to code the changes.


BAD JUJU - STRING OF CURSES - After each landed shot, this weapon will reload instantly and increase damage for a short time. Kill swill help charge your super.

DRAGON'S BREATH - PYROMANCER - Rounds fired from this weapon will leave an array of Solar Flares upon detonation

GJALLARHORN - WOLFPACK ROUNDS - Rounds fired from this weapon split into tracking cluster missles upon detonation (the difference being that each of these cluster missles cause enough damage to kill)

HARD LIGHT - VOLATILE LIGHT - Rounds fired from this weapon split into deadly projectiles, overpenetrating targets and ricocheting on hard surfaces

HAWKMOON - HOLDING ACES - Five more random bullets in your magazine deal considerable bonus damage

ICEBREAKER - ICE BREAKER - Ice Breaker's victims burst into an array of Solar Flares

INVECTIVE - INVECTIVE - This weapon regenerates ammo over time (increase this rate substantially, effectively making ammo infinite)

MIDA MULTI-TOOL - MIDA MULTI-TOOL - This weapon boosts move speed and fires on a hair trigger (the effect to move speed is increased x2 or greater)

MONTE CARLO - MONTE CARLO METHOD (I don't have a monto carlo yet, so I'm not positive on what would make this awesome, but I'm gonna try) Deal damage with this weapon instantly refills your melee cooldown

NECROCASM - CURSEBRINGER - Kills with this weapon trigger a Cursed Thrall explosion

NO LAND BEYOND - THE MASTER - Landing a shot greatly increases damage for a short period (after landing one shot, you can one shot other guardians for a period of 5-7 seconds)

PATIENCE AND TIME - PATIENCE AND TIME - You instantly gain active camouflage while aiming down the sights (the "window" that causes damage against you is greatly reduced as well)

PLAN C - PLAN C - Charge and equip times are very short immediately after weapon swap (the "buffer period" for this is removed, so that you can do it multiple times in a row)

POCKET INFINITY - POCKET INFINITY - Fires in full auto, greatly increases stability upon causing damage, and has a chance to return rounds that miss to the magazine

RED DEATH - RED DEATH - Each kills heals you, give you a shield and speeds up reloads.

SUROS REGIME - SUROS REGIME - The bottom half of each magazine deals increased bonus damage and has a chance to instantly heal you when dealing damage

SUPER GOOD ADVICE - SUPER GOOD ADVICE - All shots that miss their target return to your magazine (I admit, this one sucks)

THE 4TH HORSEMAN - RETURN TO SENDER - Dealing damage with a round grants bonus ammo, directly to the magazine (this one sucks too)

THE LAST WORD - LAST WORD - Bonus damage and stability. Extra damage when firing from the hip

THORN - MARK OF THE DEVOURER - Rounds pierce targets and cause lingering damage over time (it will continue to cause damage until you are killed)

THUNDERLORD (this is the one other that I don't have, so again, I'm speculating) - LIGHTNING ROUNDS - This weapon fires faster and more accurately the longer the trigger is held (this is increased?)

TRUTH - PROTOTYPE TRUESEEKER - Rounds fired from this weapon seek their targets aggressively. Targets can be acquired through walls.

UNIVERSAL REMOTE - UNIVERSAL REMOTE - Range and damage increases greatly while aiming down the sights (this is increased to normal hand cannon/auto rifle distances)

VEX MYTHOCLAST - ZEN MOMENT - Causing damage with this weapon greatly increases its stability (until you are killed)


A TS/8 ARACHNID - ARACHNID SENSORIUM - Your Golden Gun zooms in for accuracy and splits into 8 shots when aimed

ACHLYOPHAGE SYMBIOTE - LAST MAN STANDING - Golden Gun gains two additional shots per use

AN INSURMOUNTABLE SKULLFORT - IMPROVED TRANSFUSION - Kills with Fist of Havok or Storm Fist trigger immediate health regeneration. You also respawn with full Grenade and Melee energy.

APOTHEOSIS VEIL - PRIVATE RESERVES - Immediately regerenate health and a shield on activating your Super

HELM OF INMOST LIGHT - RECKLESSNESS - Provides Death from Above for Fist of Havoc. Regenerate Super Energy from Shoulder Charge Kills.

HELM OF SAINT-14 - STARLESS NIGHT - Permanently (until death) blind enemies who enter your Ward of Dawn

KNUCKLEHEAD RADAR - SENSOR PACK - Radar remains visible while aiming any weapon.

LIGHT BEYOND NEMESIS - KEEPER OF THE PACK - You revive fallen teammates faster, and they revive you faster (doesn't matter). All kills spawn orbs for teammates.

MASK OF THE THIRD MAN - UNSTABLE CURRENT - Arc Blade attacks do not use super energy.

OBSIDIAN MIND - INSATIABLE - Nova Bomb kills reduce the cooldown of your next Nova Bomb (2 kills equal fully loaded super. One kill gets its 2/3 of the way)

SKULL OF DIRE AHAMKARA - DELUSIONS OF GRANDEUR - No damage taken while using your Nova Bomb. Siphon abilities greatly improved.

THE GLASSHOUSE - BATHED IN LIGHT - Blessing of Light and Weapons of Light last until the creator of the Ward of Dawn dies.


CLAWS OF AHAMKARA - THE WHISPERS - Gain an additional charge for Scorch and Energy Drain. Kills using Scorch or Energy drain causes immediate regeneration of Melee.

DON'T TOUCH ME - DEFENSIVE REFLEX - Taking damage from a melee or grenade attack makes you briefly invisible (and the "window" of attack against you is decreased)

NO BACKUP PLANS - IMPROVED DISINTEGRATE - Unlimited duration of Force Barrier

RUIN WINGS - SEEDS OF RUIN - Heavy ammo drops more often (doesn't matter) and contains more ammo in each drop (completely fills your heavy ammo.

SUNBREAKERS - HELIUM CYCLE - Greatly increases the duration of your Solar Grenade (lasts until you die)

YOUNG AHAMKARA'S SPINE - IMPROVED TRIPMINE GRENADE - Tripmine grenades last longer when placed (lasts until you die)


CREST OF ALPHA LUPI (HUNTER) - KEEPER OF THE PACK - You revive fallen teammates faster, and they revive you faster (doesn't matter). All kills spawn orbs for teammates.

CREST OF ALPHA LUPI (TITAN) - KEEPER OF THE PACK - You revive fallen teammates faster, and they revive you faster (doesn't matter). All kills spawn orbs for teammates.

VOIDFANG VESTMENTS - IMPROVED AXION BOLT - Your Axion Bolt grenade spawns three additional seekers. Respawn with full grenade energy.

LUCKY RASPBERRY - IMPROVED ARCBOLT GRENADE - Arcbolt Grenade chains even further. Respawn with full grenade energy

STARFIRE PROTOCOL - STARFIRE PROTOCOL - Gain an additional fusion grenade. Fusion grenades split upon throwing them into three attachable projectiles.

THE ARMAMENTARIUM - GRENADE BOOSTER - Carry an additional grenade. Respawn with full grenade energy.

HEART OF PRAXIC FIRE - PRAISE THE SUN - Decreases all ability cooldowns. Instant refill of abilities while Radiance is active.


MK. 44 STAND ASIDES - BE SOMEWHERE ELSE - Increases the duration Shoulder Charge remains active (indefinite)

RADIANT DANCE MACHINES - THE DANCE - You move more quickly while aiming your weapon (you move at a sprint pace)

Obviously, I didn't test all these and they would probably need to be balanced some, but I could just imagine the craziness that would occur. It would be arcade style Destiny. It would bring back some of the fun that was Halo (think grifball) and while you could give some cool rewards from it, I wouldn't see giving away any raid level gear (at least, not that is complete). You could do it in a way that hey, you gotta complete this.. get things that are similar to the Husk of the Pit, that are worthless, but can be leveled up... then having other tasks to complete it that make it Raid Level gear. I just think it a rather simple thing to do that would be some life to this otherwise now dead game.

Mostly everything I spec'd were simple number changes in stats (With some things being different, such as Truth.) and giving abilities that can be found in the game (Such as, Ward of Dawn disappears when the "caster" dies, so this can be added to things like trip mines and solar flares. Just change the stats on the duration and add that function and bingo) I could see this as overexerting the last gen consoles when it comes to memory, because it would be a much faster pace game, but even at that.. screw it.. make it only current gen consoles.

Something's gotta be done to liven up this game. It isn't hard. Hell, even add SWAT style game play (no shields, no supers). I know they moved a bit into that direction with inferno... but that simply isn't good enough. Having no maps is cool.. but not that cool. We know where everyone is and we know every map by this point.

Just my thoughts

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread