DISCUSSION MEGATHREAD: The Podcast Is Moving To Spotify - H3TV #71

Yeah, whenever it gets brought up that H3 were ever on the right, I don't recognise that at all. I've watched for 8 years too. The only examples that could point to being alt-right is the videos pointing fun at SJWs (who mostly deserved to have jokes poked at them), and the infamous NF moment on the early podcast which was obviously wrong and purposely edgy and over the top. I don't think there was any actual malicious intent to black nor homosexual people.

People ignore the other dozens of videos on the H3H3 channel and Ethan & Hila channel where they're quite obviously left-leaning, and videos where they're explicitly left such as the 'A country for sociopaths by sociopaths'. Also how many videos against pick-up artists and people like Sam Pepper?

I don't know why Ethan accepts that they were part of any 'alt-right' pipeline. I can understand when that's aimed at PewDiePie to an extent, although I still think it's massively overblow just to hate on people who have no intention of having a nuanced take.

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