[Discussion] New Composition a day. Follow on YouTube Channel. No more reddit posts.

Alt means alternate account. I see. No I just deleted all the comments on this account.

And it wasn't in a rage, or because I was upset.

Reddit started to change my composition focus.

These compositions are ultimately for me, my emotion, a way to express myself.

But actually its not the NEGATIVE comments or constructive criticism. (I am culpable too. I 'baited' a little. And this is my first experience with reddit)

It is actually the realization a majority of people are not seeing my vision.

When I initially posted my music. The 'computer' played the pieces. Not me. I got a storm of comments about how dry my recordings were. No emotion. My playing was boring.

Then I realized: people don't understand. I am not playing this. The computer is. So I started making live recordings on Garage Band with my Privia Keyboard. Not an ideal setup by any means...

Now just recently, I got a few comments about how all my pieces sound the same. Numbers 50 - 60 all just use 7th chords in the base and it is getting very tiresome.

And now I realize people are not understanding the uniqueness of each piece. They need to hear a live recording of a grand piano and it orchestrated correctly.

So it is twofold.

One: I want to focus on my music and compositions to express myself. I don't need online adulation for this. Reddit was changing subtly changing my focus.

Two: I think the majority of people are not hearing these pieces correctly. They are taking my Garage Band, $399 Privia keyboard performance as the final product

And that is not fair to me. I am lessening what these pieces are.....

So thats the reason. Thanks. I used your comment as a catharsis (is that the right word) I used it to just express myself.

Anyway, I love reddit! But I will use it for its intended purpose. And I will compose for myself and if others want to hear, feel free to join in buy subscribing to my channel.

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