A discussion of NoFap

I have literally done this since Junior High School. (I'm 29 now). I originally started doing this because of sports. I was one of those guys who had to win every sprint and kill every drill, and I would DEFINITELY notice that my endurance would be significantly worse if I had succumbed to "temptation" the night before. So I would save these special activities for Sundays. Then I started to realize other benefits. My work ethic was double or triple what it normally would be if I waited a few days, and starting around day 3 many more girls would notice me, I would tell funnier jokes, and whatever lines I used to meet girls would be waaay more likely to work. I was more creative, better at math, my memory was sharper, everything. I just felt extremely confident in myself, and I think everyone around me could tell. I still abide by this system, more or less, and every time I break from it it starts to show in all parts of my life. Literally, everything is worse when I break from this system. I become lazy, apathetic, depressed even. I don't think I'll ever break from this routine. That said, there's always an semi-awkward conversation when I start a new relationship and I have to explain that I don't like to have sex on weekdays. Usually I'll suck it up for the first couple of months if I really care about the girl, then once I feel like we've achieved a certain closeness I'll let her know what my deal is. Never caused any problems - in fact I think that makes the sex more novel and memorable when we do it. With all that pent up energy, you're bound to be pretty creative/passionate in bed; always a plus.

TL;DR - highly recommend.

/r/TheRedPill Thread