Discussion on ESO on /r/games. Come give support!

You choose a class to start the game that locks you into a specific triplet of skill trees (are we even in the same game series, guys?)

Lets ignore weapon, armor, alliance, world, race and guild skills.

There's no stealing from other players. Until recently, there was no stealing at all. There's no hurting other players outside of alliance wars within a specific zone (that's right! They drew up factions).

Thank god for this, world pvp you could maybe talk about although that becomes extremely frustrating once you get WOW lvl trolls that walk around one shotting people just trying to lvl and make an entire zone unplayable. The stealing thing would be horrid, work all day to lvl and get some gear only to have some higher ranking player come along and steal it, no thank.

There's no interesting way to interact with other players outside of a big three way faction battleground, or grouping for a dungeon, or trading stuff.

So like any online game ever? No way to interact with players outside of PVP, PVE, trading or leveling. He doesn't even mention guilds in which I talk to people on a daily basis.

And in my opinion, if you can't handle the darker side of humanity causing you trouble in the form of other players attempting to grief, then you don't get the role of the hero which is traditionally thrust on you by TES games.

This person makes complaints about stuff that really isn't a problem, its more about him wanting to be able to grief and troll people trying to enjoy leveling without getting camped by someone at the highest lvl with the best gear in the game while your just trying to kill some bandits and get to lvl 9.

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