[Discussion] Is it possible to ask SPJ to review deepfreeze.it?

Anybody that is running a blacklist is basically just a running a censorship style gang-banging circle jerk. Deepfreeze.it is about as ethical as fox news, and about as neutral as fox news covering obamacare. Many of their supposed "confirmations" are in fact just either sensationalism or fail as fact under any kind of scrutiny...

Besides that, they do uncover some unethical behaviour, that IS unethical. But I've yet to see anything from the "GameJournoPros" mailing list that they claim is the center of the problem. Apparently nobody there has worked in a professional industry where ethical dilemmas often present themselves. That mailing list wasn't broken up because it was unethical, it was broken up because it was exposed - these things are run behind closed doors for a reason - exposing the ethical dilemmas the authors are facing to the public would be counter-intuitive to the point of the mailing list.

They tend to forget that these are game journalists, covering news on video games, and not sensationalizing personal relationships or scandals. They also flag anyone that writes an article they disagree with.

Many of DeepFreeze's supposed allegations are just downright wrong, or circumstantial at best. Adam Sessler's advocating of "Doxxxing" is nothing more than an angry rant at best (not an actual advocation of doxing, unless you want to hear it that way, then I guess you COULD MAYBE draw that conclusion, but if you're practicing skepticism like a journalist should, then you won't). They fail to provide for the benefit of a doubt to any journalist that covers a topic in a way that is disagreeable to the moderators, who you can.

They fail to address this - http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2014/09/addressing-allegations-of-collusion-among-gaming-journalists/ - which is standard across almost every major industry with people that make actual salaries. You call it collusion, we call it business ethics. It seems to me like the site is run by a bunch of kids who have yet to see the real business world.

/r/KotakuInAction Thread