Discussion regarding some characters

Except that you ignored me again to say that ship isn't what the story amounted to. You keep saying no ship no love main story different alright then why did ymir wait for 2000 years what was ymirs relationship with fritz what was mikasas relationship with eren. Now you ll say obsession but you don't take into the account that while it was unhealthy obsession there was also love. Fritz didn't give a fuck about ymir but ymir cared about him and their kids. Eren and mikasa reciprocated and eren gave up his life so that she could live freely.

When the main story became the ship you hated it but deluded yourself into accepting that there was some deep thing about this but in reality everything was shoehorned and in the end I even the emotional impact of the past was taken away. Hence there is no weight

Ask anyone of the ending lovers and haters why did everything happen the way it was and they ll all say ymir fritz eren mikasa love/obsession

The way you say you have been arguing with shippers and its tiring just tells me there's no point In this conversation

We have differing views and no one is always a 100% correct My opinion differ from you and that's OK. No hard feelings if you enjoy the story and it all adds up for you go ahead brother.

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