Discussion Thread

I hate Virginia Beach. I hate the humidity. I hate the fact that everyone drives around with a Gadsden Flag license plate. I hate Virginia Beach Boulevard and I hate Independence Boulevard even more. I hate the smug attitude they have about their public schools and I hate how they want to dumb them down so little Mikayla doesn't have to learn about gender. I hate that everyone drives around in luxury pickup trucks. I hate the the pretention of being a cool beach town even though it's a cool as a pair of khakis. I hate how it was built on people fleeing school integration in the (better) surrounding cities. I hate how every suburban box neighborhood is so devoid of culture that it sucks in culture of things that actually have them, like a black hole of interest. I hate how it headquarters Pat Robertson. I hate how suffocatingly flat it is.

The only good thing about Virginia Beach is that it helps people in Portsmouth/Norfolk/Newport News delude themselves into thinking they live in proper cities, because having a functional bus system is enough to make a city look like NYC when compared to Virginia Beach.

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